Hey, everyone! I'm Li Yang, and I'm new to the adult live cam platform. I'm hoping you can show me the ropes and take excellent care of me as I figure my way around. Just a heads-up: the internet in mainland China can be unstable during live broadcasts, so please bear with me if there are any disruptions. I'm extremely happy to meet some new wicked friends here and talk about everything, hobbies, sexual desires, you name it! It's been fantastic to watch my following count climb to over 300! It makes me feel really connected to the planet. If you're wondering about my appearance or would want to see some of the video clips I've created for my admirers, please visit my page and start an exiting journey to our hidden lives, speaking about sex comes natural to me. PS, I have a few adult clips I made that are now live on my profile page. Become a free member of SWAG Live and we will take it from there.