Some women visit a massage therapist to relieve discomfort, while others want their bodies caressed by loving hands. The difference between two females is that one expects to walk out pain-free, while the other is satisfied after three orgasms. In this Chinese massage parlor, emotions may run wild, but not for this lady; she knows exactly what she expects from her therapist and what she paid for. As soon as he touches her chest, fireworks begin, indicating that she is extremely sensitive in that area. He adds oil to his hands and begins at the top. He then gradually moves down to her vagina. When she's hot, she doesn't care if anyone notices or hears her; she grabs his dick and sucks him off so hard that he ejaculates in her mouth. If you assumed this was the end, you were mistaken. She wants more, and she wants her entire body to be taken care of. Many different sex positions display on the screen, and you may see two people in action who want the same thing: total stress reduction.